We use a thorough and proven 5-step process to prepare a report that addresses your specific business objectives.


5 Step Appraisal Process

Introduction (Pre-Engagement, No Obligation)

We lay the groundwork to develop a full understanding of the project, and ask questions to begin gathering the information necessary to frame the scope of the engagement.


Based on what we have determined, we present a professional service agreement. This agreement details exactly what will be valued, the purpose of the report will be summarized, and our fees and terms will be clearly outlined.


This phase of the project focuses on the collection of relevant data, the “raw materials” required to create the appraisal. We will submit both
“request for documents” and “questionnaire” forms for your completion.


Once a complete collection of relevant information has been submitted, our analysis begins. Financials are dissected, cash flow is analyzed, and the data is put into context by factoring in demographic, industry-specific, and economic data and trends.

We develop a series of different valuations, each driven by a specific perspective, and then weigh and reconcile these varied indicators to arrive at a final opinion of valuation.


The actual format of the report is determined by industry standards for the valuation’s application. The most widely used reporting formats include:

Appraisal Report: A single dollar figure states the unambiguous, objective, and substantiated opinion of the value of a business or a business ownership interest in detail.

Calculation Appraisal: An approximate range of value for a business, or ownership interest, based on the performance of limited procedures agreed to by the appraiser and client. This internal use only document is also known as a “restricted use report”.

A calculation appraisal can be developed prior to the preparation of the more detailed Appraisal Report. Because the level of reporting and the depth of detailed data differ, each report serves a different purpose.